Hier der TextSka is RevolutionSka is an emotionSka is a good feelin'Ska is all we're needin'Ska is what we liveAll we try to give just|:Ska what a feelingSka what is neededSka to complete itDo you really feel it? :|You don't need a drugYou just need SkaPleas stop smokin'and start skankin'Ska is what we needAll we need to succeed|:Ska what a feelingwhat is neededSka to complete itDo you really feel it?:|Mornin' 10 AMI woke up and thenI start skanking and Ido it 'til the endSka arround the clockStart and do not stop it|:Ska what a feelingwhat is neededSka to complete itDo you really feel it?:|¡Arrrrrrrriba!